Retro Signages Handbag (White)


A convenient carrier to hang around your wrist when your are busy holding your food tray.

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Our bucket handbag design is a handy carrier where you can quickly drop in your phone, wallet, small water bottle, compact camera and keys when you need to run for errands or going out for lunch break. The bag closure uses a elastic band that can slide up and down.

The bag handle is made of thick cotton webbing that is both sturdy and durable. The interior is lined with plain grey polyester fabric.

• 1 open external pocket
• Single handle to hang on wrist

• Cotton and Polyester fabric
• Cotton Webbing
• Elastic Band

Bag’s Body Approximate Measurements:
• Width 8.2” (21 cm)
• Height 7.8” (20 cm)
• Handle: top to bag’s body is 6.3” (16 cm)

Pocket Approximate Measurements:
• Width 5.5” (14 cm)
• Height 7” (18 cm)

SKU: 2211-HB021 Category:
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